North Buncombe pool reopens - TribPapers

North Buncombe pool reopens

North Buncombe Pool Lifeguards. Left to Right: Kylie Cook, Sydney Helming, Daylyn Brady, and Jenny Nieman.

WeavervilleAs temperatures rise, families have been flocking to the North Buncombe Pool to cool down and have some fun. 

The North Buncombe Pool, located off Clarks Chapel Road in Weaverville, officially reopened on Thursday, June 18th. The pool opened with some adjustments to its hours and regulations to ensure a clean environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

One of the biggest changes to the pool from previous years is a lower person limit. Currently, up to 85 people can be allowed into the pool area, but only 60 can be in the water at one time. This is to ensure social distancing. According to the North Buncombe Pool’s Facebook page, this is 70% lower than usual. 

In order to make it easier for families to not be turned away due to capacity, the North Buncombe Pool is strongly recommending that community members reserve tickets online. These tickets are $3.00 per person and can be purchased for one of two sessions.

From Monday-Friday the first session lasts from 10:30 am until 1:30 pm. The second session during weekdays is from 2:15 pm – 5:15 pm. On Saturdays the first session runs from 11 am – 2:15 pm and the second session runs from 3 pm – 6:15 pm. Sundays only have one session which lasts from 1 pm – 6:15 pm. 

The gap in between sessions is for staff to completely sanitize the area. The pool staff uses antibacterial cleaner to wipe down the bathrooms, railings, and to generally sanitize the area. In order to minimize areas that collect germs, the pool also does not offer any chairs for guests. 

If you are interested in reserving spots at the pool, you can do this at the North Buncombe Pool’s website. 

Guidelines can be found on the Buncombe County Recreation Services webpage. One of these guidelines for the North Buncombe Pool is that cloth face coverings must be worn when not in the pool. The pool is also asking community members to make sure to sanitize their hands regularly while at the pool to cut down on the spread of germs.

Another point to note is that pool toys such as balls, noodles, diving toys, and similar items are not allowed at the pool as they are often shared between many children. 

In addition to COVID-19 related guidelines, the Buncombe County Recreation Services also reminds pool-goers to wear broad-spectrum and water-resistant sunblock while at the pool, and to reapply every two hours. 

More information on guidelines and/or hours can be found at either the Buncombe County Recreation Services website or the North Buncombe Pool website.

The North Buncombe Pool is welcoming community members but is taking all the precautions set in place to ensure a safe environment that all can enjoy.