Woodfin – Woodfin Police Sgt. Jonathan Ammons was named 2020 Officer of the Year at the February meeting of the Woodfin Town Commissioners. Ammons was presented a plaque by Woodfin Police Chief Michael Dykes.
The honor is voted by the department’s police officers, with no vote coming from the police chief.
“The officer of the year award is actually chosen by his colleagues in the department. I don’t get a say in this one,” said Dykes before presenting the award. “They choose amongst themselves by secret ballot.”
Ammons has been on the Woodfin force since 2007; he worked for the Weaverville Police Department before joining Woodfin. This is Ammons’ second time winning the award, Dykes told the commissioners.
“On a personal level, I couldn’t agree more with the choice. He really is a driving force behind this department,” said the Chief.
Ammons was asked if he would like to say a few words to the board, at which point he pulled several pages from his protective vest.
“I do have some words. I’ll try and make it quick,” Ammons said as he began to address the commissioners, thanking the board and administration.
“I am both honored and humbled by the selection for the 2020 Officer of the Year. I am honored that the officers felt that I deserved this when so many of them deserved this honor above me.”
He joked that 2020 was a “terrible year and who better to represent 2020.” He talked about the love, compassion, and empathy the officers of the department had, when people they are hired to protect and serve are at “…their wit’s end.”
He then directed his emotional appreciation for the board during the last year. He recalled when many police forces saw their administrations turn their backs on the men in blue when cries for defunding the police came from a small portion of the public.
“Unlike other communities and groups of commissioners that made it apparent this year to not support their officers, you all have stepped forward to provide support for all of our officers, which means so much to each one of us individually,” Ammons said. “I would like to say personally, ‘thank you’.”
Ammons then thanked a number of his fellow officers as he closed his remarks. Ammons’ name will also be added to a plaque that hangs in the town hall with other “officers of the year” recipients honored since 2009.