10th Annual Reuse Contest Underway - TribPapers

10th Annual Reuse Contest Underway

A photo of the 2020 Best in Show. Winner Sam Allison and partner converted a 1944 garage/workspace into an art studio/guesthouse. 90% of materials came from family, friends, and the local community. White-Carter said that Charles Collins held out much longer than others and did not sell his property until 1907.

Buncombe County – Recycling helps keep materials out of landfills and the environment, so for the tenth consecutive year, the Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity ReStore is encouraging residents to show off their creativity and talent. In exchange, participants will have a chance to win in the ReStore ReUse Contest. Home or workspace renovation, furniture transformation, or a homesteading addition…if you recently took on a DIY project like this using predominantly reused building materials, the Asheville Habitat ReStore wants to know. And there’s an all-new category this year, Vans & Vehicles! The contest started August 1 and runs to September 30, and entries must be submitted electronically. Guidelines and entry form are now available at ashevillehabitat.org.

The purpose of this annual contest is to showcase innovative building and DIY projects constructed predominantly of reused building materials. A large number of ReStore shoppers purchase items intended to be repurposed or reused in unique and creative ways; the ReStore Reuse contest is a great way to showcase their projects and inspire others to reuse, recycle and repurpose usable materials.

The creativity of this community never ceases to amaze. Past projects have included a fence fashioned from doors, a potting bench built from pallets, a chair crafted from an oil drum, yard art made from old tools, and so much more. To see photos from the 2020 contest, click here.

A panel of five judges will select winners in the following categories: Furniture, Homesteading, Live and/or Work Space, Art, Home Décor, Vans and Vehicles (NEW!), and Best in Show. Winners will be announced in mid-October.

Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity has operated a retail store since 1990. The flagship store is located at 31 Meadow Road near Biltmore Village and a second store can be found at 61 Weaver Blvd. in Weaverville. ReStore proceeds help cover Asheville Area Habitat’s administrative and fundraising expenses and support Habitat’s home building and repair programs. With sustainable funding from the ReStore, Asheville Area Habitat has empowered nearly 2,000 adults and children to build better futures on the foundation of safe, stable housing since 1983. Learn more at http://www.ashevillehabitat.org/restore/.

Editor’s note: Kjellquist is the Communications Director for Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity.