Thrift Store Helps with Elementary School Needs Program - TribPapers

Thrift Store Helps with Elementary School Needs Program

North Buncombe Elementary School's Intensive Needs Program will be the beneficiary of proceeds from a local thrift Store.

Weaverville – WNC Bridge Foundation is a community-based charitable organization that works to provide funding to support and assist people facing health challenges throughout the 18 counties of WNC. It is donating all of its February proceeds from its Weaverville thrift store to the Intensive Needs Program NBES.

“Our primary goal is to connect our communities to a healthier future and to create lasting change through local partnerships by focusing on youth development, elder care, and wellness support, said Morgan Bradley, Development Officers at WNC Bridge Foundation. “Our regional impact derives from our five Community Initiatives, including the Rathbun House, Children’s Services Fund, You’re Special Fund, WNC Greatest Needs Fund, and WNC Health Scholarships.”

“At our Weaverville store, all our proceeds, as well as cash donation, will be funneled into the Children’s Services Fund” during the month of February, explained Bradley. He went on to say, “We operate two thrift stores, one in Biltmore Village and one in Weaverville, where 100 percent of proceeds go toward funding our Community Initiatives.”

One Program, Many Needs

“Whether a youthful community member needs assistance purchasing medications, specialized equipment or making home improvements to enhance their daily lives, the Children’s Services Fund recognizes that small challenges can present big obstacles for children with developmental or neurological disorders,” explained Bradley. “As we attempt to meet this tremendous challenge of need, we are partnering with North Buncombe Elementary to utilize this initiative to allocate funding to their Intensive Needs Program. Intensive Needs is specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability.” From there, the money will go to the NBES’s Intensive Needs Program

According to information found on the school’s website, the Intensive Needs Program at the school “is specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. Students with special needs are served in the least restrictive environment, whether it be in a regular, resource, or separate setting.”

The thrift store takes donations of furniture, clothing, household ware, toys, etc. After proper cleaning, donations are resold to the public to benefit WNC Bridge Foundation’s five charities. “Through this program, students with special needs are served in the best-suited setting, whether it be in a regular, resource, or separate setting,” stated Bradley.

The Weaverville Store is located at 285 North Main Street in the Tri-City Plaza and is open Tuesday through Saturday 10 am until 4:30 pm with donations except from 10 am to 4 pm. To learn more about the Intensive Needs Program at NBES and how it benefits the students there, contact the school.