Weaverville – At the last town council meeting, the Weaverville Town Council heard an offer to buy a near-acre piece of property from the town. Track West Partners out of Atlanta, Ga., offered the town $275,000 for the .93 of an acre at the corner of Clinton Street and Weaver Blvd.
Town Manager Selena Coffey said the property record card shows the land was valued at $730,100 as of the most recent appraisal in February 2021. This property is located in an R-1 zoning district. The purchaser has suggested that they will be requesting that the property be rezoned for commercial use should they purchase it.
Councilman Doug Jackson said the town should not entertain any offer for less than the appraised value.
The council took no action on the request but instead will take a look at all of its surplus property at the July town council workshop on Tuesday, July 19th.