Weaverville – One local official seemed to call for violence in a Facebook post after last week’s US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which said there was a right to abortion found in the US Constitution.

Weaverville Town Councilwoman Michele Wood posted on her Facebook page the following: “I would like all the women in my life to stop for a minute, take a long, deep breath, and burn everything to f*cking the ground.” The oddly phrased post was made after the high court released its decision.
The Tribune asked Wood if she could “please clarify this post of yours for us.” We requested, “Is this in response to Roe V Wade being overturned? Is this a call for violence? Were you making this statement as a private citizen or as a statement as a council member or both?” We also asked, “If this was a call to violence, and if so, did that include inside the Town of Weaverville, in which you govern?”
Wood responded with this statement: “The post on my personal Facebook relevant to the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was a personal expression of my sadness and outrage over the removal of what has been a constitutional right and personal choice for women for over half a century.” I mourn the hardship it will cause so many.
“In response to your questions, my post simply expressed my anger and frustration over this setback, and I do not advocate violence of any kind, either on my own or in my role as a Weaverville council member.”
No matter how she meant it, several who commented on the post were ready to take action. “I’ll help,” commented Claire Ritzler. “I’ve got matches,” stated Marianne Wood. “I’m in… burn baby burn…” replied Monnett Arambula. Even Weaverville Town Attorney Jennifer Jackson gave Wood’s post a “thumbs up” and Buncombe County Commissioner Amanda Edwards gave it a “heart.”
While the Facebook is Wood’s personal page, her bio information starts with the fact she is a town council member.