Pitterson's Nephilim Follow-Up Another Must Read - TribPapers

Pitterson’s Nephilim Follow-Up Another Must Read

The Final Nephilim by Ryan Pitterson. Photo by Clint Parker

Asheville – Back in June of this year, I wrote a review of the book, “Judgement of the Nephilim,” by Ryan Pitterson. I wrote that Pitterson, a Bible researcher and writer with a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Rochester and a J.D. from Columbia University School of Law, helped re-frame the Old Testament for me with his book.

Pitterson’s newest book, “The Final Nephilim,” tries to answer many prophetic questions surrounding what the Bible calls the Great Tribulation and what ties it might have to the Last Nephilim. For those readers who missed the first review and are wondering what a Nephilim is, it is the Hebrew word translated from the book of Genesis to the English word “giant.”

In “The Final Nephilim,” Pitterson tackles tough questions many Christians and prophecy watchers seek answers to, like what is the Mystery Babylon, what city does the Bible refer to when it says the great harlot, who is the Antichrist, and how does he come back from the dead after being killed?

Those are just some of the questions Pitterson answers in his nearly 500-page book that includes a few maps and illustrations as well as a new feature—QR codes—that, when used with a cell phone camera, link readers to videos where the author gives commentary on what was just read.

As in his first book, Pitterson relies on citations from the Bible to fortify his thesis, along with numerous selected excerpts from commentaries from mainly the 1800s but some much earlier.

Pitterson asks readers to see the Bible and its prophecies as much more than a collection of stories from 40 different writers of the Bible. He asked the readers to see scripture as inspired by God—not a stretch for Bible believers, but more so for those who take a more academic and literary view of the Bible.

For readers who want more of an explanation of the Book of Revelation, the author ventures into many of the judgments found within the prophetic book. The drying up of the Euphrates River, where four fallen angels will be released back into the world, and what is the mark of the Beast?

Most notably, Pitterson goes into who he believes the Antichrist will be. For those hoping for a name to put with the Antichrist, Pitterson doesn’t go that route but doubles back to Genesis 3:15, where God gave the first prophecy of the Bible when He said, “And I will put enmity between thee [Satan] and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

Pitterson claims Satan is a great imitator, so he imitates God and sends his son to be the Antichrist. Satan will have a Nephilim, but not just any Nephilim, but one the Bible calls the Assyrian, to possess the Antichrist’s body when he is killed. Therefore, giving the appearance that the Antichrist was resurrected from the dead just like Jesus, and therefore imitating God. Pitterson says this is not the Assyrian’s first appearance on earth.

At this point, humanity is sent what the Bible calls “strong delusion” to do dam humanity by taking the Beast’s mark. Those who refuse the mark will not be able to buy or sell.

Pitterson’s book is an excellent look at the Bible’s end-time prophecies, but I’d recommend that those wanting to venture deeper into the Bible’s look at the end times read Pitterson’s first book first and then this one second. It is well worth the time of those seeking Biblical insight.

Reporter’s note: To read the review of “Judgement of the Nephilim,”  just go to https://bit.ly/3SPc4n6