Business Conducting Annual School Supplies Drive - TribPapers

Business Conducting Annual School Supplies Drive

Jeff Weller and Susan Weaver display supplies gathered last year for students. Photo submitted.

Leicester – Wasn’t it just yesterday that the school year ended? Now here we are, getting ready for football season and school to start back up,

In preparation for students going back to school, Jeff Weller, an Edward Jones financial advisor in the Leicester Community, is supporting a school supplies donation campaign by using his office as a drop-off location for the school supplies drive.

Local residents and businesses may help others in the community by bringing in items to the Edward Jones branch office during regular business hours from Tuesday, August 1st to Monday, August 21st.

The branch address is 929 New Leicester Highway, Suite 9, Asheville, NC 28806. Proceeds from the drive will benefit Leicester Elementary School.

“As our world becomes more global, competition within our younger generations continues to rise, emphasizing the importance of a quality education,” said Weller. “We’re proud to support the academic development of young minds in this community through this summer’s school supply donation program.

“We’re asking community residents to donate school supplies or volunteer their time,” Weller said. “These donations can add value as one more student will be provided with the appropriate tools to begin or continue his or her learning and development.”

The items needed for the school supply drive include pencils, erasers, glue, crayons, colored pencils, glue sticks, dry-erase markers, hand sanitizer, tissues, wipes, Ziploc bags, scissors, 3-ring binders, 2-pocket folders, wide-ruled marble composition books, pencil boxes, highlighters, water bottles, and backpacks.

Please note that monetary donations cannot be accepted.