Cosmic Cappuccino Weekly Zodiac - TribPapers

Cosmic Cappuccino Weekly Zodiac

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AshevilleAudacious Aries

Time to take a seat, time to rest. The rest of the zodiacs needs your fire, your intensity is like an engine that keeps us going. But Chiron, the astroid of wounded healing moved into your sign and then started in to retrograde. Stroke your fire back up by horsing around with your therapist. Heal the residue from your past. it no longer belongs to you.

Tempted Taurus

I will cut to the chase, Try not to stampede anywhere in life. with Uranus and Jupiter in your sign, as well as being in retrograde. An Abidance of good things are starting to make its way towards you right now, But being a lazy Bull will stop its progress. Your planet Venus is still in Virgo. So do what you do best, Stay calm and continue going forward with your structured plan.

Gesturing Gemini

Honest discussions are sure to come with your planet mercury in justice seeking libra. Be honest, speak your truth and be sincere. Try sticking with one twin, there is no need to jump personas at this time. Mercury will transition into vengeful scorpio later this week. so if you choose to say any lies at this time, it will be a harsh reality for you around the corner. Stay balanced.

Cherishing Cancer

Some may its say it hard to have a constant changing planet like the moon, but your week starts off with a bold bang with the moon in Leo. Structures out sweetly in virgo and libra. But may end a bit harsh in Scorpio. Do a mediation with confidence at the begin of the week to ride out that confident energy. It’s hard to feel so much, but if you harness your energy you could make anything possible.

Lioness Leo

Sometimes no news is good news. The planets haven’t changed much for you since we last talked. That come with the territory considering you’re planet the sun only transitions every month and a half. So bask gloriously in the energy of sweet and fluffy libra. try a new self care routine this week, with Venus in Virgo. Try getting a massage to soothe the nervous system.

Veracious Virgo:

You will be happy, things look calm for you. I know you have enjoyed your first week out of Mercury retrograde. Venus is still hanging out in your part of the sky. So soak up the love around you. You may be thinking about the relationships that surround you right, its ok to ask for more Miss Maiden! know you’re worth. Know your value. Try sitting down with your close friend or partner and communicating something you would like more of in the relationship.

Loving Libra:

where sweet meets sour! the scales, the perfect justified balance. Mars the planet of action and aggression and Mercury the planet of communication and technology. Are lounging in your part of the sky. This brings truth to the surface, right in someones face, Which is not bad we all need accountability. This matched with your planet Venus in Libra, Step out being as authentic as you possibly can. Be calm and candid this week. The truth will set you free. if you’re struggling with authenticity, sit down and write down your truths.

Spying Scorpio:

I see you little scorpion, Tucked away, hiding around the corner. Your planet Pluto has been camped out in Capricorn in retrograde for awhile, but will go direct this week. Mars and Mercury will make its way to your part of the sky as well. Stinging a lot of people in the face with karma from their dishonesty they have set out in to the world. I’ve always admired your karmic energy, But never forget our grace. You to have made mistakes in your life. Others deserve forgiveness just as much as you do.

Sing away Sagittarius:

The lucky ones! with your lucky planet still riding around with Taurus, Abidance and luck are still trickling in to you. Don’t give up now, Don’t get wild. Stick to the plan. But i would never ask you to step away from your fiery nature, the blazing sun is still in libra. So give yourself a rest day every week to oil the gears to keep your hard work going.

Charitable Capricorn:

Boy you have had time to reflect. With your father like planet Saturn being in a watery place and Pluto cozying up next to your sign. its time to release anything that’s been mudding up the waters of your soul. Your emanational stability is like a gorgeous strong oak tree, but things, people and vices.