Brevard – As the holiday season unfolds its magic, bringing joy and warmth to communities around the world, Asheville, North Carolina, stands out for hosting the annual Charles Taylor Christmas Dinner. This heartwarming event has become a cherished tradition, uniting the community and those who have attended the event over the years.
Named after Congressman Charles Taylor, a local philanthropist known for his dedication to Western North Carolina, the Charles Taylor Christmas Dinner has evolved into a symbol of compassion and generosity. Every year, the event attracts residents who come to hear the special speakers from far and near. The centerpiece of the Charles Taylor Christmas Dinner is the opportunity to interact with those state and national elected representatives whose leadership represent the values of the attendees.
What sets this event apart is its commitment to inclusivity. The Charles Taylor Christmas Dinner is hosted by the Taylor Family from Brevard, and is open to everyone. The event is on Saturday, December 16th, and is held at the Crowne PLaza Resort’s Expo Center Ballroom. 1 Resort Dr. Asheville, 28806. The evening starts with a photo session with Speakers at 5:00pm to 5:45pm in the Ballroom. (photo session is $30) Tickets are on sale now, and dinner tickets must be purchased in advance. Online ticket purchases are available at this link: Congressman Charles Taylor 50th Annual Christmas Dinner Tickets, Sat. Dec 16, 2023 at 6:00pm/Eventbrite. ($95.00 plus process fee = $103.22 per person.) For more info contact Trish Smothers at 828-243-2187. (email: Or send a check payable to Charles Taylor Holiday Dinner and mail to: Taylor Dinner, PO Box 7587, Asheville, NC. 28802.
Speakers for this year’s annual event are: Congressman Dan Bishop, running for NC Attorney General/ NC Speaker of the House, Tim Moore- who will give plans for the 2024 Legislature/ 11th District US Congressman Chuck Edwards, reporting on what’s happening in DC, and is a recent appointee to the House Appropriations Committee/
US Speaker fo the House Mike Johnson & Chairman James Comer of the House Oversight & Accountability Committee/ and, comments from Trump attorny Cleta Mitchell.
The Charles Taylor Christmas Dinner serves as a gathering once a year for not only individuals and local businesses, but also for fmailies like the Taylor Family, who have helped make this region the special place it is today.