Tryon – Multiple medical studies have shown the benefits of regular dance experiences for those living with Parkinson’s disease. There is now a new resource for Parkinson’s patients and their caregivers in Western North Carolina. On Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. through October 9, Tryon Fine Arts Center will offer Dancing with Parkinson’s, a free, one-hour dance class. Parkinson’s patients, those with other degenerative diseases and their caregivers are invited to participate.
The first class in the series, led by dance instructor Susan Woodham, included a small group of patients and community members. Dancers moved to jazz, ballet, and other relaxing music. Many of the dance steps were modified for seated positions, and Woodham encouraged participants to listen to their bodies and not push beyond their comfort zone.
“This class is not therapy, but it is therapuetic,” said Woodham. A certified dance educator with more than 23 years of experience in public schools, Woodham teaches ballet and does outreach work with Ballet Spartanburg in upstate South Carolina. She received special training from the Mark Morris Dance Group in New York City in order to lead the Dancing with Parkinson’s classes. “I’ve learned that more and more people are being diagnosed [with deginerative diseases], so there’s a huge need for this. Keeping moving is so important.”
According to class organizers, the dance classes capture both the exercise benefits of improved strength and balance as well as stimulating cognitive function and artistic expression. The group classes also provide an opportunity for social inclusion and emotional support.
Tryon Fine Arts Center Executive Director Marianne Carruth stated that the program would be evaluated after the initial four weeks. “As a new program, we want to examine what best serves the community and adjust accordingly,” said Carruth.
Classes on September 25, October 2, and October 9 are open to any community members living with Parkinson’s or other degenerative diseases as well as their caregivers or supporters. Advanced sign up is not required, but additional details are available at