Phoebe Ferris

Celestial Glimpses

This week, Aries reflects and finds calmness, Taurus embraces tranquility and focus, Gemini enjoys a breather, Cancer embraces feminine energy, Leo indulges in fun, Virgo goes with the flow, Libra welcomes peaceful connections, Scorpio experiences a lighter atmosphere.

Celestial Glimpses

This week, Aries reflects and finds calmness, Taurus embraces tranquility and focus, Gemini enjoys a breather, Cancer embraces feminine energy, Leo indulges in fun, Virgo goes with the flow, Libra welcomes peaceful connections, Scorpio experiences a lighter atmosphere.

Cosmic Cappuccino

Aries: I hope you’re enjoying your time cooling off. Scorpio is still with your fiery planet Mars. Chiron is in your part of the sky, so keep laying low, journaling, and healing your past. Taurus: I bet you feel better now that your big full moon has passed. Take a deep breath, things are going […]

Cosmic Cappuccino Weekly Zodiac

Seasonal Horoscopes: Embrace the Mystical Energy of Scorpio as the Sun Transitions and Planets Retrograde, offering insights and guidance for each zodiac sign as they navigate through themes of transformation, self-care, ambition, and finding balance amidst the shifting cosmic energies.

Cosmic Cappuccino Weekly Zodiac

Fun-loving Aries You’re already in the second week of your journey towards healing and leaving behind past hurts. It’s the home stretch, and a sense of lightness awaits you just around the corner. While your fiery planet Mars continues to make a splash in the depths of Scorpio, why not dive headfirst into the Halloween […]

Cosmic Cappuccino

Introducing the Tribune's weekly Zodiac review.