Christine Robinson

Last Hurrah of Summer: Labor Day and more…

Labor Day weekend and the following weekend are chock full of fun festivals and events to celebrate the end of summer, and, of course, America's workers.

Unexpected Diversity On Display: Trump’s Asheville Rally

Trump makes stop in Asheville to lay out his platform to an intimate crowd of 2400 people. The attendees who came to hear him speak were exceptionally diverse, from every walk of life.

North Carolina’s State Health Plan On Brink of Insolvency

The State Health Plan, a plan that covers 750,000 state employees is in deep financial trouble. NC Treasurer Dale Folwell is doing everything he can to fund the plan in the short time he has left in office.

Ferncliff: Leading the Way as America’s First Green Industrial Park

As industry encroached on their beloved Ferncliff property, the Fitzpatrick family realized the best way to preserve the beauty of the land was to create America's first green industrial park, which quickly drew large environmentally sensitive industry who desired to be good stewards of the land.

Affordable Housing Crisis: City Policies Cause Landlords To Quit

Are we losing affordable housing due to city policies toward the homeless, and nonprofit attitudes once people are in affordable housing? At what point do vagrant's and addict's rights end, and the taxpayer/landlord's rights begin—rights and services that they pay dearly for?

Evening Gowns & Combat Boots: Local Vet Is Ms. Veteran America Semi-Finalist

Sarah Scully, a Army veteran, whose husband is a Green Beret, and whose two teenagers attend Madison Early College High School in Marshall, is a semi-finalist in the Ms. Veteran America competition. This competition raises money and awareness about female veteran homelessness, often caused by PTSD and MST while serving our country.

Parental Access Denied! NC Minors Able to Consent to Controversial Therapies

Minor children from 0 to 18, including children with developmental disabilities, have the ability to make their own medical decisions without parental knowledge or consent due to loophole in the law. NC medical freedom groups are trying to remove the loophole, but are meeting resistance from certain politicians.

PTSD and Suicide Prevention for Law Enforcement Officers

Law enforcement officer suicide is the #1 killer of police officers, and that rate escalated after 2022 when so many police came under attack. Representatives from local forces learned how to spot and help when an officer is in trouble.

Leadership in Law Enforcement: APD Chief Michael Lamb

Chief Michael Lamb answers questions on crime in Asheville, response to calls from Compass Point Village, homelessness, and the future of the APD. Chief Lamb openly spoke about what's working, and what is still a challenge.

People of Action: Honoring Eight Asheville Heroes

The Rotary Club of Asheville recognized eight area leaders as “People of Action” for their efforts to inspire and improve the Asheville community. The honorees embody Rotary International’s “Service Above Self” philosophy and align with the club’s seven focus areas ranging from public safety and healthcare to the environment and literacy.