Christine Robinson
Hazards of EMF: Solutions for Safer Technology
A panel of experts, including world renowned scientist and activist Devra Davis, Ph.D, MPH, gathered at A.B. Tech to participate in The Hazards of EMF & What You Can Do About It. Discover Solutions for Safer Technology. Is it time to unplug?
Veteran’s Resource Fair: Connecting Vets to Helpful Resources
This weekend the Veterans Healing Farm is having their 3rd Annual Veterans Resource Fair, connecting vets with over 40 organizations that are helping veterans, their families, caregivers, and volunteers. It's open to the public with music, food trucks, and lots of love.
Bulletproof: APD Secures Funding for Body Armor
Asheville Police Department honored with a proclamation to name May 12th through 18th, 2024, as National Police Week, and May 15th, 2024, as Peace Officers Memorial Day. They also got a yes vote for body armor from all but one city council member.
Woodfin’s Read, Write, Run 5K: All About Community
The entire community turned out to support Woodfin’s “Read, Write, Run” 5K. It was a festive event with a clown on stilts, a unicycle rider, booths, and runners of all ages. Funds from this event in the past have gone for literacy and an amazing playground.
The Red House Gallery: Making Changes!
The Red House, home of the Swannanoa Valley Art League was forced to move, but is thriving in it's new location. They have something for everyone, at all price points. Check it out!
Glorious Work: Songs in the Rhythm of Life
Come enjoy an eclectic selection of music performed by the Asheville Symphony Chorus and the newly recreated Asheville Youth Chorus in their springtime extravaganza concert, with music from Beethoven to Broadway.
Buy Local: ASAP!
Many foods from Big Agra are lacking the nutrients these same foods had in the past, but locally grown foods offer more nutrients, cost savings, and also help to support our local farmers and artisans, and our local economy. ASAP is bringing it all together.
Mission Hospital: A View from the Inside
Mission nurses speak out about the challenges, and the recent second Immediate Jeopardy action from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Veteran’s Healing Farm Seeks New Home
Veterans Healing Farm faces losing their land in 2024 and is seeking community support to raise funds for a new forever home to continue their mission of enhancing the well-being of veterans and their families.
Murder at Compass Point Village
The first confirmed murder of the year in Buncombe County occurred at the new Compass Point Village homeless facility where a man was beaten to death while visiting a resident.