Karen Brown

“Opening Up to Art” Show at Asheville Gallery of Art

Asheville Gallery of Art’s November show, “Opening Up to Art,” is a multi-member show featuring each artist’s personal exploration into being part of this world during uneasy times.

Asheville Gallery of Art-Showing “Fallscapes”

Asheville Gallery of Art’s October show, “Fallscapes,” is a multi-artist show celebrating the breathtaking beauty and grandeur of fall in our mountains.

“Infinite Possibilities” at Asheville Gallery of Art

Asheville Gallery of Art’s July show, “Infinite Possibilities,” is a multi-member show highlighting the insights artists gained during the increased time in their home studios during the COVID-19 pandemic. The show runs July 1-31 during gallery hours.

“Natural Beauty” at the Asheville Gallery of Art

Asheville Gallery of Art’s September show, “Natural Beauty,” features Elinor Bowman, known for her watercolor figures, and Olga Michelson, known for soft, ethereal landscapes. The show runs September 1st - 30th during gallery hours, 12-5 pm, Fridays and Saturdays.