Kings Mountain and Cowpens: Our Victory was Complete
Exploring the pivotal battles at Kings Mountain and Cowpens that shaped the course of history during the American Revolutionary War.
The Enigmatic End of Diesel
What do you get when a who-done-it is wrapped up in a page-turner history book? You have the “Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel” by Douglas Brunt. This book is Brunt’s first attempt at non-fiction, and he does a masterful job at keeping the reader spellbound at what comes next in the life and times of […]
What Does Tohu and Bohu Have To Do With The Earth’s Creation?
How long has the earth been around? Four billion years? That’s what scientists are currently saying. How did it get here, with or without a creator? These and many more are questions Donna Howell and the late Dr. Tom Horn look to answer in their 2023 book, Before Genesis – The Unauthorized History of Tohu, […]
The Franklin Scandal: More Relevant Today Than Ever
Nick Bryant's book, "The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse, & Betrayal," provides a detailed investigation into the alleged pedophile ring and satanic ritual abuse cover-up surrounding the Franklin Federal Credit Union scandal in Omaha, Nebraska, offering a compelling argument that challenges the official narrative and leaves readers questioning the actions of the government, law enforcement, and high-level officials involved.
Last Up-close Eyewitness To JFK Assassination Speaks Out
But one man says those conspiracies are nothing but tall tales, and maybe he should know - since he was there.
The Asheville Connection: A Memoir
Asheville native Joseph Scotchie has published his ninth book, The Asheville Connection, a memoir of life in the Ninenteen Sixties and early Seventies. The book jacket reads as follows: “Is nostalgia for the Nineteen Sixties a little insane? Is that same sentiment for the Seventies more of the same? Maybe so, but in his latest […]
“Birthright”: An Enjoyable and Enlightening Read
Alberino's book reads like a fictional tale written for a major motion picture screen...
Book Offers Dark Picture of Post-Christian America
This 280-page book, Lutzer first explains how we reached this point in America.
King, Lover, Magician, and Warrior: Being a Good Husband
To help them become the finest versions of themselves, millions of men seek going against the generalized picture that is portrayed in the media.
Well-Reasoned, Soul-Satisfying Economics
The Economics of the Parables, by Father Robert Sirico and published this year, turned out to be a pleasant surprise. The small book is full of well-developed economic arguments and advice for life, none of which is trite or partisan rhetoric.