Commissioners, Sheriff & District Attorney all on the Ballot

A triad of high stake Buncombe County positions are up for grabs in this upcoming election and the primary on May 17th will narrow the field for the Fall.

Really, Is it That Big of a Deal to Get an Address?

After the Buncombe Co. Sheriff’s home burned down, he listed it as his primary residence in organization documents.

Where Does the Buncombe Co. Sheriff Live?

What seemed to be a simple question, ‘where does the Buncombe County Sheriff live since his home was burned?’ has yet to be answered.

Peering Closer at the County Crime Stats

The first rule of being a public information officer is “don’t lie to the press because it will come back to bite you.”

UCR Crime Statistic Tells a Different Story

Spurred by a press release from the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Department, the Tribune takes a closer look at crime stats. 

Sheriff Holds Listening Event in Sandy Mush

Sherrif Quentin Miller responded to community concerns.

My Observations from Sheriff Miller’s Meeting

I attended Buncombe Sheriff Quentin Miller’s listening event Thursday evening at the Sandy Mush Community Center for the newspaper. Miller was short on answers but to give him credit, he was willing to be honest with the group, saying that he did know or have the answer. He brought staff and officers to help answer […]

Buncombe County Sheriff Miller hires Blake as new Chief Deputy

Herbert Blake has been hired by Buncombe County Sheriff Quentin Miller as Miller’s new Chief Deputy for the Sheriff’s Office.