Not Everyone Fairing Well Thru Pandemic
Buncombe County Tax Collector Keith Miller isn’t the only analyst describing the skyrocketing housing market as “crazy.”
Why Hopkins’ Covid Death Report Rattles Med Community
Data analyses suggests tha the number of deaths by COVID-19 is not alarming. In fact, it has relatively no effect on total deaths in the United States. A Johns Hopkins analysis has attracted national attention with its conclusion that the overall deaths in the U.S., when compared to prior years, did not increase significantly despite […]
COVID Costs Unsearchable & Unfathomable
The complete tally of damages being caused by COVID-19 is yet to be determined. In addition to the increasing infection and death counts, individuals in the best of health have found themselves without a job and soon unable to pay rent.
Masks May Not Be Helping
Study finds masks don’t reduce coronavirus infection rates.
‘Panic porn’ in media’s Coronavirus reporting
“The media have managed to indoctrinate people into thinking that infection with CV19 = death. They know they’ve done it and we’re gullible to fall for this.”