Kids, Covid, and Vaccines—Safety Concerns

The Covid vaccine has been added to the childhood vaccine schedule, but experts say this is not needed and could cause future health issues.

“Pandemic Amnesty?” I Don’t Think So

Emily Oster proposes a sentiment for the country that beckons both forgiveness for our social behavior and the US government's overreaches during the "stop the spread" campaign during COVID.

Homelessness Up, Crime Down

The COVID era was a time of pivoting for agencies caring for the homeless. Despite millions in federal funding, with innovations in non congregate care, and growth in permanent supportive housing, the local homeless population increased 21% from January 2021 to January 2022.

Mismanagement: The New Normal

The City of Asheville’s transit and parking divisions haven’t pivoted gracefully. Malfunctioning software, unresponsive contractors, supply chain delays, and staffing shortages were given as excuses for the city’s lapses in services leading to budget shortfalls.

Confirmed COVID Cases at North Henderson High

Lab results confirmed recent cases of COVID-19 that are epidemiologically linked.

Masks Reveal Parallel Governments

The Tribune received a tip about Constitutional action underway to cause the schoolboard to stop making children wear masks. As it turned out, citizens had been acting on their own authority to try the government. Even more astounding, these de jure grand juries of sovereign citizens who are forming their own parallel governments are proliferating in this country.

Buncombe Manager Recommends Tax Increase

Buncombe County property owners can expect a tax increase this year to help the county recover from COVID losses and move forward on commissioner strategic goals.

Care Facility Remembers COVID Victims

A year later after COVID first hit our society, Emerald Ridge honors residents lost.