National Threats in Critical Race Theory, More Guns Brings Brazil Safety
Scholar: The fight against CRT is one of national survival By David Bass, Carolina Journal The fight against Critical Race Theory is nothing less than a battle for national survival, according to Cornell Law School professor William A. Jacobson. Jacobson made his comments during a June 23 luncheon at the Carolina Country Club in Raleigh. […]
Is There a Faulty Narrative Upon Which CRT is Built?
How Critical Race Theory (CRT) influences learning in schools.
Readers Weigh In: CRT & BLM Conclusion: Part 3 of 3
Padgett continues his exploration of CRT methods.
The Battle for Scriptural Authority
Critical Race Theory (CRT) is already destroying our military and educational institutions. Now it comes for the Church.
There’s No Middle Ground
Martin Luther King’s dream of a color-blind society is now called racist and replaced by Critical Race Theory. In our modern world, it increasingly seems you’re now racist just based on the color of your skin.
Critical Race Theory: Unchecked Social Justice
Exploring the poisoned chalice of Critical Race Theory.
Critical Race Theory, State & Local Schools
Is Critical Race Theory being taught in local schools? The Tribune found out.