FDF Thrilled about Coming to Asheville
When it comes to empowering people of color, the straight-talkers at the Frederick Douglass Foundation of North Carolina don't have time to mess around. Following the example of the group's namesake, they want to help people learn what values drive success and how to get on a track of lifelong stretching and growing.
Before the Water Plant Expansion Vote
The Town Council of Weaverville took care of a lot of business besides the expansion of the water treatment plant at their February meeting.
Water Plant Expansion Gets Green Light
The Weaverville Town Council voted to move forward with the water treatment plant expansion, but the decision split the council.
Citizens Demanding Cleanup
Asheville City Council is holding public hearings on the budget early and often this year. The first session was sparsely attended, but council heard an earful of complaints about trash, vagrancy, and unsanitary conditions.
Town Tackles Stormwater, Query Police Patrols On Future I26
At Woodfin's February monthly meeting, the council took on their police department's patrolling of US 19/Future I-26 and implemented a new stormwater ordinance, among other items.