West Henderson Wins Thriller, HHS Ousted by Iffy Call
West Henderson’s historic season is at a record-tying 12 straight victories, with the latest one a high-scoring thriller.
Soccer Warhorses, Cats Sparkle in Playoffs
Hendersonville and Owen are the last local soccer teams still in the playoffs, heading into this week.
Blazing Bearcats Can Win it All
Ten-feet wide Bearcat eyes adorn renovated Dietz Field. They will witness much Bearcat excitement and success.
Cougars, Bearcats Win Football Playoff Openers
“CAT-atonic: In football, when foes of teams with feline nicknames are in a deeply ineffective slumber.”
King of the Jungle: Soccer Cats Prowl
The “Soccer Cats” are led by Cooper King’s scoring, the skilled squad’s precise passing, tenacious defense and Noah Pavao’s crisp goalkeeping.