City of Hendersonville Invites Community to Serve on Local Gov’t Boards 

The City of Hendersonville invites community members to participate in local government by serving on a board, committee, or commission. Serving on local government boards is one of the leading ways residents can make a positive impact on the future of Hendersonville. The City Council is accepting applications for a variety of board appointments. Applications […]

Admittedly Inexperienced Goldstein Selected To Head Woodfin Water

When asking Goldstein if he had any water district experience, he admitted to the Tribune that he did not.

APD Chief Zack Discusses Staffing, Reputation

Asheville City Council's annual retreat provided an unexpected opportunity for Police Chief David Zack to discuss what he thinks he needs to get the force adequately staffed.

Before the Water Plant Expansion Vote

The Town Council of Weaverville took care of a lot of business besides the expansion of the water treatment plant at their February meeting.

Citizens Speak Out About Safety and Homelessness, Present Plans

Homelessness and crime in Asheville have been in the news a lot lately, especially since the Washington, DC-based National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) made its $73,000 recommendations to the Homeless Initiative Advisory Committee (HIAC), Asheville City Council, and Buncombe County Commissioners on January 25th. The plan, called Within Reach, for all of its cost, […]

Water Plant Expansion Gets Green Light

The Weaverville Town Council voted to move forward with the water treatment plant expansion, but the decision split the council.

Local Spiritual Group Teaches of Divine Love and Spiritual Freedom

Learn how Soul achieves freedom from the limitations of mind, emotions, karma, and reincarnation. Divine Guidance—As Close As Your Heartbeat, an ECK Light and Sound Service, will be presented on Sunday, March 12th, at 11:00 a.m. at the Country Inn and Suites, 22 Westgate Parkway.

Citizens Demanding Cleanup

Asheville City Council is holding public hearings on the budget early and often this year. The first session was sparsely attended, but council heard an earful of complaints about trash, vagrancy, and unsanitary conditions.

Students Pledge Anti-Drug Lifestyles

Students from the ten HCPS high schools and middle schools signed pledges to avoid illegal drugs and also alcohol and tobacco.

Hope Coalition Helps Teens, Adults Battle Addiction

Henderson County is in line to get special funds to combat drug addiction, with Hope Coalition among local advocacy groups on those front lines.