Have a Blast at Houston’s Historic NASA Space Center

Houston, Texas is “Space City” as the home of the Johnson Space Center and adjoining public space museum, featuring a massive Saturn V rocket and a replica of the Independence space shuttle.

‘M’ Turns ‘W’ Upside Down to Win CFB Crown

Witnessing in person my alma mater win a college football title game for the second time in 27 seasons is a thrilling start to the new year.

What Does Tohu and Bohu Have To Do With The Earth’s Creation?

How long has the earth been around? Four billion years? That’s what scientists are currently saying. How did it get here, with or without a creator? These and many more are questions Donna Howell and the late Dr. Tom Horn look to answer in their 2023 book, Before Genesis – The Unauthorized History of Tohu, […]

Duncan Asking for Signatures to Run As Chairman

Duncan only needs four percent, or about 8,500 signatures, since he has no party affiliations, but he looks to cover the spread in case of illegible signatures.

“Father Of Country Music” Has Ties To Asheville

Jimmie Rodgers, known as the "Father of Country Music," had a significant impact on the genre and his connection to Asheville, particularly its local radio station WWNC, helped promote and expand his music, contributing to his rise as a legendary figure in country music history.

How Will Asheville Address the Missing Middle?

Asheville's missing middle housing study, among other things, recommended easing regulations that are preventing the construction of more and more affordable housing. Members of Asheville City Council may prefer other actions.

Council Approves Drive-Thru

A majority on Asheville City Council approved doing away with a ban on drive-thrus on an outparcel of the new Marriott on South Bear Creek Road. Staff and the mayor were at a loss to remember why the ban was imposed in the first place.

Mission Could Lose Medicare/Medicaid Funding

HCA/Mission Hospital poses "Immediate Jeopardy to patient health and safety," and could lose millions in federal funding for Medicare and Medicaid if they don't act quickly.

An Exhibition of Guastavino’s Signature Tile Ceilings

The Asheville Museum of History has an extraordinary exhibit of the projects by the internationally acclaimed architect, Guastavino, who moved to this area, worked on the Biltmore House and built the Basilica of St. Lawrence.

New Restaurant Brings Soul Food and Community Spirit to Town

Arizona-based restaurant owners Ron and Via Child brought their award-winning BBQ and soul food to Tryon, North Carolina, serving out of a food truck while their brick-and-mortar location undergoes renovations, with plans to establish themselves as a welcoming, fun spot for all ages and contribute to the growth of the area's dining scene.