New Retail Center Slated For Westall-Chandley Lot

A new retail center is coming to Woodfin at the old Westall-Chandley lot off Weaverville Hwy.

Dog Kennel Removal from Park Proving a Dilemma

The dilemma of removing "the salvageable materials" from the building before the demolition work begins was part of the discussion for Woodfin's Parks and Greenway Advisory Committee.

Historical Westall Chandley Building Gone

The Woodfin Community finally said goodbye to the old Westall Chandley Lumber Store off Merrimon Ave, which had been an eyesore and, according to at least one resident who spoke at a Woodfin Town Meeting, a dangerous hazard to the community. The nearly 10,000-square-foot structure built in 1927 had not been used for more than […]

Turning Tragedy into a Tribute

The Hunt family has been chosen by Woodfin to have the coming whitewater feature named in honor of their son, Taylor.

Water Tap Back On in Weaverville

After not providing water for two developments, Weaverville turns on the tap for the same two developments this month. 

Town Looking for Water Partners

As more developments look to deploy, concerns over water resources continue to rise.

Tuch Takes Top Job In Woodfin

A City of Asheville planner has been chosen as Woodfin’s Town Adminstrator. She starts this month.

Woodfin Developers Encounter Recurring Zoning Issues

The Town of Woodfin hoped to have its zoning issues for developers behind them by now. The latest meeting shows there are still cracks in the town ordinances.

Woodfin Hires Project Manager

The Town of Woodfin hires a project manager to help with ongoing projects and facility management. 

Progress Picking Up on Greenway

At the October monthly meeting, Woodfin Town Administrator Eric Hardy reported to the council that progress on the greenway and Silver-Line Park is moving forward.