Senate committee looks to extend flexibility after COVID-19 emergency ends

A Senate committee passed protection for direct primary care providers and discussed regulatory reforms to prepare hospitals and other health care workers for the second wave of the coronavirus.

Sad to see how polarized people are over re-opening

Recently, after posting the Town of Weaverville, unlike Buncombe County, would not be requiring employees and customers inside the town limits to wear masks, our social media page received a flood of comments from followers jumping on one side or the other. 

Town’s alcohol sales up, but is that bad?

During the May monthly meeting of the Woodfin Board of Town Commissioners, the members head a report for the ABC Board that alcohol sales were up over the same period last year.

A nation divided, a local protest united

Citizens from all walks of cultural, racial, and socioeconomic divides found common ground to protest the outrage over the death of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer.

Meeting dominated by questions of accepting roads into town system

Nearly 80 attendees joined the Town Council of Weaverville at a virtual meeting regarding town roads.

Small town policing under virus conditions

Small town police departments are living with a new reality when it comes to policing these days.

Gym owner makes economic statement not a political one

One gym owner could not make sense of the stay-home mandate, either health- or business-wise, so he reopened on Saturday morning (May 23).